Feature 1: Countdown Timer

Description: A Timer that once the user clicks “Start Timer” will countdown from 10 to 0.

Input: User clicks the Start Button write under the text that says time

Output: Timer countdowns from 10 to 0

Feature 2: Real World Timer

Description: Implement a digital clock that displays time in 24-hour format. Users can toggle between formats using left-click input.

Input: Toggle 24-hour formats using left-click.

Output: Display the current time according to the selected format.

Feature 3: Spawner

Description: Spawner will spawn cubes, spheres, and cylinders with an animation already preset

Input:  Cube --> Click Left on the Mouse, Sphere --> Click Right on the Mouse, Cylinder --> Click Spacebar on the Keyboard

Output: Spawns a Cube, Sphere, or Cylinder moving Vertically Up, then Horizontally Left, the Vertically Down

Feature 4: Change Color Button 

Description: The button will change color to whatever the text of the button says  

Input: The user must click the button to change the color of the button. Options are Red Button, Green Button, or Blue Button

Output: If the user clicks on the red button, the color of the button will be red. If the user clicks on the green button, the color of the button will be green. If the user clicks on the blue button, the color of the button will be blue.

Feature 5: Loops & Arrays Text

Description:  Provides information on the number of cubes, spheres, and cylinders that will spawn. Provides Info on the minimum and maximum of each object.

Input: None is needed because these are sort of the instructions of the game

Output: Text "Amount Spawned, and Minimum and Maximum" information appears. Also changes color as the user plays the application

Feature 6: Display Mouse Position

Description: Text that displays the position of the mouse in the x and y direction

Input: User moves mouse anywhere on the game screen

Output: Text is displayed in the upper right corner showing X and Y of the mouse.

Feature 7: Reset the Application

Description: Where it resets everything in the portrait

Input: User clicks on the button called “Reset Application”

Output: Remove game object, reset countdown timer, reset color button, reorientate the colors on the text.

Made withUnity