Rishabh Sinha - IT 201-450- Project 3
New Features:
Feature 1 - Loops & Arrays
- Description: Provides information on the number of cubes, spheres, and cylinders that will spawn. Provides Info on the minimum and maximum of each object.
- User Input: None is needed because these are sort of the instructions of the game
- Output: Text "Amount Spawned, and Minimum and Maximum" information appears. Also changes color as the user plays the application
Feature 2 - Animation Spawner
- Description: Spawner will spawn cubes, spheres, and cylinders with an animation already preset
- User Input: Cube --> Click Left on the Mouse, Sphere --> Click Right on the Mouse, Cylinder --> Click Spacebar on the Keyboard
- Output: Spawns a Cube, Sphere, or Cylinder moving Vertically Up, then Horizontally Left, the Vertically Down
Feature 3 - Digital Clock
- Description: Implement a digital clock that displays time in either 12-hour or 24-hour format. Users can toggle between formats using left-click input.
- User Input: Toggle between 12-hour and 24-hour formats using left-click.
- Output: Display the current time according to the selected format.
Feature 4 - Colored Buttons
- Description: The button will change color to whatever the text of the button says
- User Input: The user must click the button to change the color of the button. Options are Red Button, Green Button, or Blue Button
- Output: If the user clicks on the blue button, the color of the button will be blue